UKFCS e-learning


The serial verbal sentence — a sentence in which the predicate consists of two or more verbs to tell something about the same subject


(i) The second verb in this type of sentence indicates the purpose of the action expressed by the first which is usually 去 or 来

  • 星期日我们一家沙滩晒太阳。
  • 明天表哥北京探舅父。
  • 同学们医院探望我。

(ii) The first verb in this type of sentence usually tells the manner of the action expressed by the second verb

  • 爸爸坐火车去苏格兰。
  • 用毛笔写字。

(iii) Sentence with 有 followed by a noun

  • 今天下午你英文课吗? - Do you have English lesson this afternoon?